Thursday, November 10, 2011

Waking up early tomorrow morning to go to Ant. Ant is an outer island that is supposed to be one of the most beautiful islands that you can go to that is close to Pohnpei. It is 1:40 am right now and we have to leave before 8 so i should probably finish packing so i can at least some sleep. But never the less I am very excited about this trip. Hopefully I will have a lot of pictures when I get back.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scuba Diving!!

Finally got to fulfill one of my life goals this weekend of scuba diving without a wet suit on while we out on an outer island called Black Coral and it was just as awesome as I imagined. Unfortunately it was to deep to bring my camera down so I couldn't get any pictures underwater but it was still amazing. Even scuba diving down at 60 feet the water was still close to 80 degrees with up to 100 feet of visibility. It was pretty great.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

6 waterfalls

Hiked the 6 waterfalls trail today. It took us about 5 hours to hike the whole loop and it was really awesome. It was about an hour to get to the first waterfall and the rest were pretty close but they were all very unique and massive waterfalls. Unfortunately you couldn't jump off of them very easily or safely but there were some places that we could still swim and jump from. I'll try to post some more pictures soon but I have to finish grading all my kids tests so I can turn in quarter grades. Which is what I should have done today instead of going on the hike but I am sure I will still have time. It was a pretty good. I am pretty sore and really tired now so I'm pretty sure I am going to bed. David is in the hospital right now because he is getting stitches on his knee from swimming around during the hike so we'll see how that turns out.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sittin on my front porch just relaxing and enjoying the last bits of Sabbath. Last friday we went to Nalap for the highschool picnic and Mr. Bryson and I went snorkeling around together. I have quite a bit of tests to grade this sunday for  our quarter finals that we just had. Hopefully my kids did ok but we'll see. Here's a couple pictures from our snorkeling adventure.

Monday, October 3, 2011

After being here to 2 months in one of the rainiest places on the earth I thought I had really seen what rain was. Today I found out what rain was.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Got to go to the Kitti waterfall today and jump off a cliff next it. I'm super tired now though and about to go to bed. Everything else is going pretty great I feel like I might be getting the hang of this teaching thing.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

No school today due to teacher in-service. Yay! Cleaned the apartment today and now it looks a million times better. I'm hoping we can do something again this weekend hopefully some snorkeling somewhere.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just got back from a camping trip at an outer island called black coral. It was pretty awesome and now I am super tired and I am really glad we don't have school tomorrow. I brought my camera along with me and after arriving there realized that I never put my SD card back in may camera and my camera can take one picture with out a card and this is the sunset the second night we were there. The snorkeling there was amazing. I don't think I have ever dove in water that clear before. Now I am just enjoying my last few minutes of free time until the grading begins.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I haven't posted anything in awhile but school has been going pretty good. I have to go to sleep a lot earlier to teach school than just to attend school since its kind of hard for me to nap during class when I am in class but I am sure I will be able to figure something out. But I'm hoping the rest of the week goes good and I keep up with all my grading so we can have fun going around the island next week.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Went snorkeling today at Nalup. I'm not sure if thats actually how its spelled but it sounds like that. It was pretty sweet. Its so nice snorkeling without a wetsuit and the snorkeling was pretty good but i guess there are a lot better places that are near the island. But tomorrow I have to focus on school since the first day is in 2 days and I still need to finish my lesson plans for the first couple weeks.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Finished registration today. I think I'm teaching a total of 63 kids. I'm pretty nervous but also super excited at the same time. Definitely ready for the Sabbath be for the hectic week of school starts.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A day without rain.

Today was the first day of registration and most of the junior came by to sign up for classes today so most of my Physics and Pre-Cal classes are full and I'm sure all my Physical Science classes will fill up tomorrow. Today was the first day that we have been on the island that it hasn't rained at all. It was kinda weird and super hot so I pretty much just hung in my hammock all day trying not to sweat. I'm getting pretty excited for my classes now that I have seen and met a lot of my students.

Monday, August 8, 2011

I just figured out my classes that I'm going to be teaching for the school year. I have 2 sections of Environmental Science, 2 of Physics, and 2 of Pre Calculus. So I'm sitting down right now to work on my syllabus for the year thankfully the internet is so slow here I wont get to distracted.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I have a number for texting

Its 7605306624. I probably wont respond super fast since I need internet and internet is very spotty here but I now have texting. kinda

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Finally in Pohnpei

I feel like I have been swimming since we stepped off the airport here. I am pretty sure that its rained more in this day and a half that I've been here then it does for an entire year in Bishop. But its pretty awesome here. We went out shopping yesterday for the bare necesities of food and living cause everything is so expensive here. So if anyone want to send me something non pershible food would be awesome and I'm sure David and I will have a list soon.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Hawaii day one

Plane took off from LAX today at 9:50 and I sat next to a super cool guys named Dave. Once we landed it was around noon Hawaii time and then we had some meetings at the school and David Bryson and walked around by where the school was in some of our free time. The temperature is pretty much perfect here but I hear Pohnpei is way hotter so that will be fun getting used to. Im super excited now to see how this year turns out and I am already really tired.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

At my uncle Harley's house tonight plane leaves bright and early in the morning. Waking up before noon is gonna be rough.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My address in Pohnpei is going to be
Pohnpei SDA School
PO Box 518
Kolonia, Pohnpei, FSM 96941
I've heard first class letters take up to 2 weeks and non-priority  boxes can take up to 3 months to get out to the islands.
Getting ready to leave for Hawaii on the 31st.